Griffith Christmas in De Bortoli Park

부터 AUD AU$15.00
  • 기간: 4 시 (대략)
  • 위치: Bilbul, NSW

Running out of time to organise a family or work get together before Christmas?  

Looking for a hassle-free event to celebrate the festive season?

Let us take the stress out of the silly season for you, and join us for an afternoon of food by Michelle Seymour Catering, delicious De Bortoli wines (of course!), beer and excellent live entertainment.  

Jesse Aviu (the break-out star of The Wedding Singer) will be performing tunes to chill by, and sing to.  Grab you crew - bring a rug or chair if you wish (some seating will be provided) and come and celebrate with us!

Pre-book a tasty antipasto box  or picnic pack for the day, offered in our optional extras.